Sunday, August 21, 2011

Home powered by battery


Sunday, July 10, 2011



Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reading Rework

1. 不要做大的决定,做一些小的决定,这样比较容易调整
2. 要适时做一些能让你有成就感的事情,保持士气
3. 做产品不要总想着要多做些功能,要少做并做到最好
4. 创业尽量少用别人的钱
5. 把一件事情尽量分解,让每一小块都可以在2-3个星期内完成
6. 不要忽视你在开发一个产品中的一些副产品
7. 不要等产品完美了再把它推出,尽早的推出你的产品,不断改进

Monday, April 11, 2011


这段日子1-Click Web Proxy也不好使了,今天在taobao上买了个包月的VPN帐号,下午在公司的网络里折腾了半天不好用,晚上回到家里便好使了。能够无限制的访问互联网真是一件痛快的事情!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

9 Rules Of Success for Every Growing Business

There is an interesting article posted in elance blog, the author listed 9 tips to grow a small business, I think they are practicable and useful -
  1. Smile
  2. Be honest
  3. It's YOU. Not Your Business
  4. Never burn bridges
  5. Listen
  6. Never Sit Alone: Network
  7. Get to know sneezers
  8. Show value first
  9. Do awesome work
Click here to visit the original copy

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Crack WPA

Wireless connection is never secure. I have been cracked a WEP password in 10 minutes with BT3 and an enhanced wireless receiver. But it is been difficult to break WPA encrypted wireless connection as it requires dictionary brute force, which typically takes days or weeks in a standalone PC. But things are quite different if the cracking is performed parallelly by hundreds of machines. The WPACracker team offers such a service, that you can run your network capture against their 400-CPU cluster, thus significantly reduce the time to 20 mintues. You need to pay $17 for that service.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I installed Vmware7 in Windows XP, for code version control purpose, installed one Ubuntu 9.10. The virtual network was setup to work in bridged mode, which means the guest OS (Ubuntu) has a logically seperate Ethernet interface, and the IP address is in the same LAN as host OS (WinXP). After that, I can access svn service from any other machines within the LAN, the problem occurred when I tried to checkout code from host OS. TotoriseSVN complains connection to svn server failed. After googling for a while, I found someone had similar problem as me, and that was caused by a bug in vmware 7 and it affects "Realtek RTL8169/8110 Family Gigabit Ethernet NIC". Fortunately, there is one workaroud: disable the "Offload checksum" in the deveice driver manage page. I tried, it works! The other remedy will be more complicated, setup the network mode to NAT, and forward any traffic you want pass to the guest OS, e.g., svn in vmware NAT settings. I didn't try that. Refer to original post for this issue.