It is fairly easy to configure TortoiseCVS working in SSH mode, choose :ext: option instead of :pserver: option in Protocol section. But to avoid type the SSH password repeatedly, we better to create the public/private key pairs for TortoiseCVS. It comes down to 3 steps:
Step 1Use PuTTYgen application to generate public and private key, just keep all settings as default, i.e., SSH-2 RSA, 1024 bits key. After clicking "Generate" button, you shall be able to save your public key and private key. Please save your private key to a secure place, well we need to adjust the public key a little bit, original public key file looks as below
Comment: "rsa-key-20090702"
Please change it to
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAgvAZDLz116oJ7kHEMTUpCuRuCcBPvlUnTw4hGbjINXOvMDe3VYY0YeU6pR00oEsj9JzpZw/1Sa1H3nI2XB+e0wwv2m54NllhEb1U/c7kzfW5ODU1jEdrJonf1eXGhi8nc9NnBYf6pkpUNH7mg+sIaV+Fr+uVnqFzC4mHsZqEscc=
Note: make sure all characters are in single line.Step 2Upload public key file to CVS server, in my case, I uploaded it to $home/.ssh, and append to the existing authorized_key with following command in my server machine:
cat public.ppk >> authorized_keys
Note: please change mode of .ssh folder to 700 and mode of authorized_keys to 600 otherwise you get "server refused our key" error upon loginStep 3Ok, now you have a valid private key and public key set up, please test it with plink, make sure you load the correct private key file via Pageant, then issuing the command in my client machine
plink cvs_server_addressThe server shall prompt you for input the username, after that, it shall log you in automatically without asking for a password. Otherwise you shall check above steps.
There is one
guideline from TortoiseCVS