Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hacking your neighbour's wireless bandwidth

To save cost, we decided not to apply ADSL link from China Telcom or Unicom, instead we contact a gentleman, who provide a wireless solution at a very attractive price. Yesterday, he came to our office, bringing a high power wireless adapter (Realtek chipset), after installing the driver, I can search active wireless AP in the circle of 1.5KM radius around the building according to him. The second step is to crack the password, unfortunately, he can only crack the link encrypted in WEP. By booting the machine from Back Track 3 live CD, and running a program called spoonwep, we successfully cracked two AP password. The first one SSID is guiguan, password is 35363332313137383131313131, the other one SSID is zhenya, password is 6650324356. I know there is way to crack WPA-PSK link also but I won't spend time on it. There is one article talks more details:

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