Monday, December 28, 2009

A Green TV

Today, I was working at home. During lunch time, I opened my TV set, all goes well, after two minutes, TV screen turns off automatically, while audio is still on, just like a radio. This has occurred couple of times, until today an idea comes out of my mind. Will it be a very nice feature if the TV can automatically turn off the video display but keep the audio on when it detects there is no audience. I call it green TV as it can save a lot power if you just want to "listen to" the TV or you are busy with a phone call or simply left home and forgot turn off the TV. The technology behind is not complex, what I suggested is adding a smart camera module inside the TV and with certain intelligent video/image alogrithm, the camera can judge if there is person watching the TV or not, and pass the information to screen controller for making decision. Within this camera, we even can implement more sophiscated algorithms to dectec human body's gesture, e.g., wave hand vertically to switch channel, wave hand horizontally to change speaker volume etc,. Not only we are watching TV, TV is watching us as well. A lot of innovations can burst out! I bet TV set is another wonderful battlefield in the next few years.

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